Featured Vendor: Monkey Moo Moo

With my one year blogging anniversary just around the corner, I wanted to feature some of the amazing designers, bakers, photographers, and other vendors that I've had the absolute pleasure of working with over the past twelve months.

First on the list is Donna of Monkey Moo Moo. Both my Halloween and Easter parties were inspired by Monkey Moo Moo's designs, so when Donna launched her blog last week, I became one of her first followers. Did you catch her Rootin Tootin Western Party on Kara's Party Ideas? I always knew Donna was an incredible designer, but I was really blown away by her talent for styling parties. Visit her Etsy shop and new blog, and see why I've been such a big fan of her work.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Christine!! You and your blog are fabulous:}


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