
Lullaby Baby Shower: Feature on Hostess with the Mostess

I can't think of a better way to end 2011 than with my first feature on Hostess with the Mostess. What an incredible year it's been! I feel so grateful for all of the wonderful press and overwhelming support.

Looking ahead, 2012 will kick off with the launch of a new blog design (which I'm so excited to reveal), as well as, pictures from my parents' 45th anniversary party. I'll also share my tutorial for paper globes on Bird's Party, details from Camden's 5th birthday party, and host the 4th Party Tutorial Contest to celebrate my 40th birthday (yikes!) in January. Lots of new posts lined up, so be sure to visit us again soon. Wishing you a joyous New Year!


  1. All these wonderful things have been/are happening to you because you clearly put so much love into every party you style! Onward to 2012!

  2. WOW!! I LOVE the baby shower party you did:) YOu did a beyond amazing job:) I am so happy for you that you were featured on Hostess with the Mostess-- You SO deserve it!! Happy New Year to you and your family:):)


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