
Decorating Easter Eggs

Like most people, I grew up decorating Easter eggs with the basic PAAS dying kit. Did you know that there are now 20 different types of PAAS kits, including tie dye and sparkling glitter?

If you've been following this blog recently, you know I'm a big fan of using washi tape to decorate eggs, but here are some other fun and creative techniques.

1. Silhouette Eggs via Stitch Craft Creations
2. Garden Party Decoupage Eggs via Family Circle
3. Speckled Eggs via Southern Living
4. Wrap Star Decoupage Eggs via Family Circle
5. Paper Punch Eggs via Nikki, In Stiches
6. Leaf Print Eggs via Disney Family Fun


  1. Just so much cuteness...and creativity! Wonderful finds you have here. Happy Easter!

  2. Wow - so much Easter inspiration in one post. Those eggs with the ladybirds etc on them are so sweet, and I love the leaf print ones too. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks for featuring my project! I love #4, so pretty!


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